Carmex specialize in the production of threading tools for turning and milling. Their product lines include Thread Turning inserts and toolholders, Mill Thread inserts and tool holders, Mill-Thread Solid Carbide and Spiral Mill Thread.
In addition to threading, they produce grooving tools, Mini Chamfer mills and the Tiny-Tools line of small boring bars for threading, turning, grooving small parts. The company's different product lines are recognized worldwide as advanced technology, reliable full range lines that offer accurate geometry, excellent cutting performance and extended tool life. Their products and the service we provide live up to the highest standards and outperform them. |
Precision Tool
Thread Turning IndexableCarmex maintains a robust inventory of steel shank turning holders that will accept inserts for a 55°, 60° profile threads as well as ISO, UN, UNC, UNF, UNS, UNEF, Acme, Butrress, BSPT, NPT, NPTF, UNJ, UNJC, UNJF, UNJS, UNJEF.
Thread Turning Solid CarbideCarmex maintains a large inventory to thread turning holders for our solid carbide thread turning bars. Carmex bars are available to 55°, 60° full & partial profile threads as well as Acme, NPT and Trapez threads.
Thread Milling IndexableCarmex makes both single and mult-insert steel toolholder with Weldon flats that accept carbide inserts for for a 55°, 60° profile threads as well as ISO, UN, UNC, UNF, UNS, UNEF, Acme, Butrress, BSPT, NPS, NPSF, NPSM, NPT, NPTF dryseal, UNJ, and Whitworth BSW, BSF and BSP threads.
Thread Milling Solid CarbideCarmex maintains a large inventory solid carbide thread milling tools. Carmex solid carbide thread mills are available for 60° partial profile threads as well as ISO, UN, Acme, BSPT, MJ, NPS, NPSF, NPT. NPTF dryseal, PG, Whitworth 55°, and UNJ threads.
Boring Tools Indexable TurningCarmex has inventory of both LH and RH boring tools for drilling, boring, Turning, Facing and chamfering. Many are offered with coolant holes.
Boring Tools Indexable MillingCarmex has a large inventory of Milling inserts within 5 and 6 flute configurations for Turning, Facing and chamfering.
Chamfering ToolsCarmex has inventory of both LH and RH solid carbide chamfering tools that can be used for drilling, boring, Turning, and Facing. Many are offered with coolant holes.
Swiss ToolingCarmex has a broad selection of turning, back turning, part off, full radius grooving, and thread milling & turning inserts for Swiss style threading.
Milling Grooving IndexableCarmex offers a large selection of their 68 thread mill holders that can also used with their selection of over 25 grooving inserts.
Milling Grooving Solid CarbideCarmex has over 23 different solid carbide grooving bar configurations for milling as well as 10 full radius grooving tools.
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